Welcome to Coalinga Middle School!

Principal’s Message

I am honored to serve as the Principal of our remarkable middle school, and I want to extend my warmest welcome to all students, parents, guardians, and members of our dedicated team of educators and staff.

Our school is more than just a place of learning; it's a community where students can flourish academically and personally. I am privileged to work alongside a team of educators, support personnel, and staff members who are truly committed to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for every student. We believe that each and every one of our students has the potential to achieve greatness and become leaders of their own education.

We recognize the vital role that collaboration between home and school plays in nurturing our students' success. Your involvement and partnership are invaluable, and we are excited to embark on this academic journey together.

As we navigate this school year, our top priorities remain the social-emotional well-being of our students and the creation of a safe, respectful, supportive, and diverse learning environment. We want our students to not only thrive academically but also to grow as individuals.

I am enthusiastic about the possibilities that lie ahead and the potential for growth and success that each day brings. Our school is a place where dreams are nurtured, and I am confident that together, we will continue to achieve excellence.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. Let's make this school year one filled with meaningful experiences and opportunities for every student.

Best Wishes,

Mrs. Amy Redding

Leader in Me

Summary: Leader in Me is an educational program based on Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." It aims to equip students with essential leadership and life skills by integrating these habits into the school's culture and curriculum.

Usage at Coalinga Middle School: At Coalinga Middle School, Leader in Me is used to cultivate leadership qualities in students. By incorporating the 7 Habits, students learn to set goals, manage time effectively, and develop a proactive mindset. The program helps create a positive school environment where students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, work collaboratively, and develop self-confidence, ultimately leading to higher academic achievement and personal growth.

Capturing Kids' Hearts

Summary: Capturing Kids' Hearts is a professional development program focused on building positive relationships between teachers and students. It emphasizes social-emotional learning and creating a supportive classroom environment where students feel valued and respected.

Usage at Coalinga Middle School: At Coalinga Middle School, Capturing Kids' Hearts is implemented to foster strong, trusting relationships between staff and students. Teachers use techniques from the program to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, where students feel safe to express themselves and engage in their learning. By addressing students' emotional and social needs, the program helps to reduce behavioral issues, improve attendance, and increase student engagement and motivation.

SMART (Teacher/Student Mentor Program)

Summary: The SMART (Teacher/Student Mentor Program) is a mentoring initiative designed to provide students with additional support and guidance through one-on-one mentoring relationships with teachers. The program aims to enhance academic performance, personal development, and overall well-being of students.

Usage at Coalinga Middle School: At Coalinga Middle School, the SMART program pairs students with teachers who act as mentors, offering personalized support and encouragement. Mentors help students set and achieve academic and personal goals, provide advice and resources, and serve as positive role models. This close mentorship helps students navigate challenges, build confidence, and stay motivated, contributing to their overall success in school.

Check In Check Out Program (CICO)

  • The Check in/out Program is a school-wide prevention program for students who are starting to engage in problem behavior. The goal of the Program is to prevent students who are acting out from escalation and provide them with more frequent feedback on their behavior to prevent future problem behavior. Our dedicated SMART teachers are in charge of checking students in and out on a daily basis and providing daily and weekly incentives.  CICO (Check in/out) teachers are encouraged to make positive parent contact as well as give out weekly rewards for CICO (Check in/out) students earning daily points and meeting their behavior goals.  CMS will be starting our 2nd round of CICO soon and are excited to see the improvement in participating students.